Click on the sections below to explore and learn more about the RE curriculum at St Joseph’s.

Curriculum Map

Our fundamental aim at St Joseph’s is to assist pupils in their personal faith journey by providing an education for all our children in which the spirit of Christ permeates the whole life of the school.  As our mission statement suggests, “It is the role of the school to work actively in partnership with parents to foster the spiritual, educational, social and personal development of all our children”. Everything that the school teaches is centred on its Self-Evaluation Framework of the 5W’s, which are Word, Worship, Welcome, Welfare and Witness.

Through the Religious Education curriculum we seek to provide our pupils with:-

  • an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the teaching of the Catholic Church

  • an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Word of God

  • a basis for the development of a Christian moral life

  • an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the rites and practices of the Catholic Church

  • an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of other religions and faiths

  • an ability to deal with religious concepts, thinking, reflection and morally informed decisions

  • an awareness of their personal faith and a developing sense of:

    • self-esteem

    • awe and wonder

    • transcendence

    • respect for the beliefs and practices of others

    • personal responsibility

    • belonging to a community

    • personal and community responsibility for others

The Religious Education Subject Leader is Mrs Ardill.