At St Joseph’s, supporting charities is a vital part of our commitment to faith, hope, and love. Guided by our Mission Statement, we encourage our children to embrace the values of compassion and service. By actively participating in charitable activities, our students learn the importance of helping others and develop a strong sense of community awareness.

As a school we fundraise throughout the Church year for local, national and global causes, so that children see Catholic Faith in action. Pupils are encouraged to be proactive in developing their responsibility and commitment to the common good at local, national and global levels.


In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it to me.

Matthew 25:40

As Pope Benedict XVI reminded us, “The world needs God. We need God. But God also needs us, because we are the only ones through whom he can help others.” Through our charitable efforts, we strive to make a positive impact on those in need and inspire our children to become compassionate, responsible members of society.

Charities we support include:

Bury Hospice



Children in Need

MacMillan Cancer Support

Operation Christmas Child

Red Door

Royal British Legion (Poppy Appeal)

Save the Children

St Joseph’s Penny

Wrap Up Manchester

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Bbc Children In Need
LFP NewsArticle HeaderImage MacMillan Co
St Joseph's Penny

Some examples of our Charity Work:

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Appeal

Royal British Legion

Children in Need

Wrap Up Christmas