It is the fundamental aim of St Joseph’s to assist pupils in their personal faith journey, by providing a range of varied quality spiritual experiences. These experiences are integral to the life and purpose of our school.
- To communicate to children the nearness and presence of God.
- To deepen the spiritual and moral experience of each child and enable
teachers and children to grow spiritually together. - To integrate pupils’ experience of prayer and worship with their learning
across the whole curriculum.
- To provide a range and depth of spiritual experiences which are vibrant, rich and varied.
- To provide opportunities for collective worship, both liturgical and non
liturgical and individual prayer and reflection. - To give children the opportunity to be involved in the formation, planning and
delivery of prayerful experiences. - To use the experiences and needs of the children, to choose the right
moment and time to deliver quality prayerful occasions. - To recognise the special place and time for traditional prayers and to share these with our pupils.
- To develop and deepen the prayer life of teachers themselves and to give
structure and support. - To provide both children and staff with a living, worshipping community, thereby helping them to enter into the full life of the church.
- To celebrate the season of the Liturgical Year.
- To offer the school community opportunities to give praise and thanks to God.
Each week provides various opportunities for whole school collective worship. These include whole school assemblies; key stage assemblies; school masses and liturgies. Members of staff are invited to lead these gatherings along with the Headteacher, Deputy, Assistant Headteacher and other members of the Senior Management team.